Crucial Signs You Need Periodontic Treatment

Dentist Blog

Periodontics is a branch of dentistry that focuses on diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. This disease involves an infection of the gums and bone surrounding and supporting teeth. It leads to inflammation of the gums, which can destroy the jawbone. If left untreated, periodontitis can lead to tooth loss.

The first stage of periodontitis is gingivitis, an inflammation of the gums. Gingivitis develops due to a build-up of plaque on the teeth, which is a clinging layer of food debris, bacteria, and saliva.

If gingivitis is not treated, it can progress to periodontitis. The gums pull away from the teeth in this more severe stage, creating areas (referred to as "pockets") that become infected. The infection destroys the bone and connective tissue that support the teeth.

Periodontitis can be painless, so you may not know you have it. That's why seeing a dentist or dental hygienist is essential. They can detect early signs of gum disease and treat it before it becomes more serious.

Here are common signs that you may need periodontal treatment.

Bleeding gums

If your gums bleed when you brush your teeth or use dental floss, it may be a sign of early-stage gum disease. If this happens regularly, including when eating, the problem may have advanced, and you need periodontic treatments.

As such, you must consult a periodontist for a dental assessment quickly. Getting the oral problem diagnosed early can help prevent the loss of teeth and restore your overall dental health.

Persistent bad breath

Bad breath (or halitosis) that doesn't go away with brushing and flossing may signify gum disease. Another common contributor to bad breath is the development of plaque deposits. Your dentist will treat this problem by scraping away the tartar from above and below the gum line to prevent gum infection.

However, if the gum is affected, the dentist may prescribe a medicated mouthwash or antibiotic to help eliminate the infection and help cure your bad breath.

As you may know, poor breath can make social interactions quite tricky. As a result, it can have a poor effect on your confidence. Periodontic treatments can help resolve these problems.

Gum recession

Gum recession is another common sign of gum disease. It occurs when the gum tissue pulls back or wears away. As the gum tissue recedes, more of the tooth's root becomes exposed. This can make the teeth look longer than usual.

If you have gum recession, you may also experience sensitivity to hot, cold, or sweet foods and drinks. This is because the tooth's root is not as protected as it once was.

Treating gum recession typically involves deep teeth cleaning followed by subsequent regular cleanings. In some extreme cases, your dentist may also recommend a gum graft. This is a periodontic surgical procedure in which gum tissue is taken from another area of your mouth and grafted onto the receded gum line.

For more information on periodontics, contact a professional near you.


24 October 2022

Dental Emergencies and Kids

As a mother, I've seen my kids' faces light up after they've lost a tooth – oh, the excitement they feel about getting their grown up teeth! However, I've also seen my kids become extremely scared and anxious after having an adult tooth knocked out. If you're a mom or a dad with a busy kid, chances are you might see a tooth knocked out in a skateboarding accident or a sport pile-up. This blog is dedicated to those moments when you could lose your wits, and it's here to ensure you don't. I am collecting and curating the best information about kids and dental emergencies here so that you will have it when you need it. Best of luck with your kids' smiles!