Two Tips for Those Who Plan to Get Injectables at Their Next Dental Appointment

Dentist Blog

If your dentist provides injectables, you should find the insight here helpful.

1. Have the dental treatment done last if you're having any injectables in the lower half of your face

If you want to have, for example, Botox injected into your chin to reduce the dimpling that occurs in this area when you speak or if you want fillers injected into the 'smile' lines at the corners of your mouth, then you should get this done before having your dental treatment. The reason for this is as follows; if for example, you have cavities that need to be filled or if your dentist needs to do a root canal or some root planing, then they will probably need to use quite a bit of local anaesthetic in your mouth and the numbness this causes may temporarily affect the lower half of your face. Your mouth area may also be a little swollen, too.

If after this treatment, you find it tricky to move your mouth, getting the injectables might be a bit more complicated. This is because the dentist may need you to contort your chin area, to see where the dimpling or wrinkles are located before they choose an injection site on your chin. Likewise, they may need you to smile widely before deciding where to place the fillers near the corners of your mouth. You might find these actions uncomfortable or even impossible to perform immediately after having your dental work. Lastly, if your mouth is numb, you may find speaking quite difficult, which may impede your ability to explain what exactly it is you want to have done or to answer the dentist's questions about this treatment.

By getting the injections done first, you can ensure that you can perform the facial movements your dentist needs you to without any discomfort and you'll be able to easily talk about any aspect of this treatment that you want to.

2. Have your dentist record the exact injection sites they chose

Whilst your dentist will, as a matter of course, make a record of the exact dosage and type of injectable they administered during the appointment, you should also ask them to also make a note (and perhaps take a photo) of the exact injection sites they chose.

If you like the results you get from these injections and decide to have more when they eventually wear off or dissolve, having a record of the precise spots on your face where they were placed could be very helpful, as you won't have to go through the process of explaining what you want to accomplish with the next treatment you have. Conversely, if after seeing the final results, you are happy, but feel like there is room for some improvement, this visual record will ensure that the dentist knows to select slightly different injection sites next time.


23 November 2020

Dental Emergencies and Kids

As a mother, I've seen my kids' faces light up after they've lost a tooth – oh, the excitement they feel about getting their grown up teeth! However, I've also seen my kids become extremely scared and anxious after having an adult tooth knocked out. If you're a mom or a dad with a busy kid, chances are you might see a tooth knocked out in a skateboarding accident or a sport pile-up. This blog is dedicated to those moments when you could lose your wits, and it's here to ensure you don't. I am collecting and curating the best information about kids and dental emergencies here so that you will have it when you need it. Best of luck with your kids' smiles!