Top 4 Factors That Influence The Success And Longevity Of Dental Implants

Dentist Blog

Dental implants are an excellent choice as a tooth replacement option, and you can look forward to smiling, eating and speaking with ease and confidence again. These implants generally have a high success rate and last anywhere from 10 to 15 years, although both of these are dependent on a number of factors as highlighted.

Your Oral Health

For better success, your dental implants will need enough bone to integrate with, not to mention the fact that your jawbone will be responsible for supporting the implant. If you have suffered bone loss due to gum disease or infection, bone grafting and other supplemental procedures to bulk up your bone density may be necessary pre-procedure. Additionally, loss of bone after placement of the implant may cause the dental prosthesis to become ill-fitting after some time. In extreme cases, especially where the loss has to do with an infection, the dental implant may need to be removed.

Your Oral Hygiene

Just as with natural teeth, proper oral hygiene is an absolute must right after the implant surgery and thereafter. Regular brushing and flossing as recommended by your dentist or dental hygienist will help ensure that the integrity of your dental implant is not compromised and keeps your teeth and mouth healthy by preventing infections.

Your Diet

For at least three months following your procedure, it is essential to maintain a soft diet, ensuring that you avoid chewing in the area where the implant is placed. It's also prudent to avoid extremely hot foods.

After this initial recovery period, your diet will still play an essential role in your overall health. A healthy diet with enough calcium intake will help ensure a healthy bone density in your jawbone, providing enough support for your implant for a long time.

Your Lifestyle And Other Habits

Lifestyle choices such as smoking can have a negative impact on the success of dental implant placement. Smoking increases the chances of infections and delays post-op healing, in addition to compromising how long the implants last because the habit makes you more susceptible to gum disease.

Other habits such as teeth and jaw clenching, gnashing and grinding as characterises bruxism, may also affect the success rate of your dental implants and how long they do last. Also, avoid biting down on hard items and using your teeth to open bottles.

Dental implants are a permanent solution and can last a lifetime. In addition to the factors highlighted, your choice of a cosmetic dental professional to perform the procedure, informed by the level of expertise and experience, will influence the success and lifespan of your dental implants.


29 December 2018

Dental Emergencies and Kids

As a mother, I've seen my kids' faces light up after they've lost a tooth – oh, the excitement they feel about getting their grown up teeth! However, I've also seen my kids become extremely scared and anxious after having an adult tooth knocked out. If you're a mom or a dad with a busy kid, chances are you might see a tooth knocked out in a skateboarding accident or a sport pile-up. This blog is dedicated to those moments when you could lose your wits, and it's here to ensure you don't. I am collecting and curating the best information about kids and dental emergencies here so that you will have it when you need it. Best of luck with your kids' smiles!