Your Root Canal Treatment Aftercare Instructions

Dentist Blog

If you have damaged pulp in the root canal of your tooth, you may need a root canal treatment. Damaged pulp can cause infections, pain and swelling. Biting down on food with your infected tooth will also be hard and painful. A root canal treatment will help you avoid such problems. It will also prevent the infection from spreading and causing even more serious tooth problems. However, what you do following your root canal treatment regarding care is crucial to its effectiveness. Therefore, here are the aftercare instructions you need after your root canal treatment.

Take Some Pain Medications

Expect some pain or discomfort after your treatment. The pain should subside after a few days but it's recommended that you take some pain medications to alleviate it. However, make sure you contact your dentist as soon as possible if you experience any signs and symptoms of increasing pain or swelling. Your dentist can prescribe some medications for you after the treatment. Remember to take all the medication even if you don't feel the pain or discomfort anymore. If your dentist doesn't prescribe the medication, over-the-counter painkillers can also work. For the best results, don't wait until the pain starts for you take the medication. Do it in advance.

Watch What You Eat

Do not be in a rush to eat immediately after the procedure. Usually, the anaesthesia will take some time to wear off. Wait until that happens to start eating, especially if you are taking hot foods. A temporary filling is often used in between appointments to protect your tooth until the permanent restoration is done or placed. Choose soft foods to avoid damaging the filling. That means you should stay away from hard and crunchy foods. Also, to reduce stress on the treated tooth, don't bite down directly on it. In fact, it's recommended that you chew on the other side of your mouth instead.

Be Gentle When Cleaning Your Teeth

You should continue cleaning your teeth just as usual even after your root canal treatment because your overall oral health depends on it. Therefore, brushing and flossing is a must. You just need to be gentle. Flossing around your temporary filling can also prove to be quite problematic. Therefore, be careful. If you are finding it extremely difficult to floss around the temporary dental filling, you can skip the flossing until your dentist places the permanent restoration.


26 September 2018

Dental Emergencies and Kids

As a mother, I've seen my kids' faces light up after they've lost a tooth – oh, the excitement they feel about getting their grown up teeth! However, I've also seen my kids become extremely scared and anxious after having an adult tooth knocked out. If you're a mom or a dad with a busy kid, chances are you might see a tooth knocked out in a skateboarding accident or a sport pile-up. This blog is dedicated to those moments when you could lose your wits, and it's here to ensure you don't. I am collecting and curating the best information about kids and dental emergencies here so that you will have it when you need it. Best of luck with your kids' smiles!